Curriculum Vitae


Professor, School of Information Science, Ionian University

In 2014 she was appointed deputy member of the Authority for the Medically Assisted Reproduction of Greece.

In the INSEIT board meeting of 22.6.2015, Maria Bottis was appointed as (the sole) Director of INSEIT.
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Faculty Fellow (medical information ethics)-Center for Ethics and the Professions, Harvard University 2000-2001
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Editor, Ionian Law Review (1999- )

Athens Law School, Ph.D in medical information law and ethics, high honors

Yale Law School (USA), LL.M, Onassis scholarship, Yale Law Scholarship

Cambridge Law School (UK), LL.M, NATO scholarship, Clare Hall scholarship

Athens Law School, JD High Honors, graduated first of class of 220

2010 – 2014 elected Member of the Board, International Society for Ethics and Information Technology,

2014-2017 Elected Co-Director, International Society for Ethics and Information Technology

EU expert on copyright/data protection issues etc, called for missions in Turkey, Azerbaijan, The Netherlands etc

Editor-in-Chief, Athens Law Review

National Foundation scholarship (IKY scholar), 1987, 1988

Onassis Foundation Scholar

NATO scholar

Clare Hall Scholar

Harvard University scholar

Yale Law School scholar

National Examinations for College Studies in Greece, first out of all candidates (1/49.000) in all disciplines, 1988 points over 2000 (in 1985)

1985, Graduation from Lyceum, 20/20 points

Μember, Advisory Board, International Journal of Internet Research Ethics

Member, Advisory Board, European Journal of Health Law, Kluwer Law International Member

Member, Advisory Board, International Review of Information Ethics

Founding Member, European Association of Health Law

Member, Senior Common Room, Lowell House, Harvard University

Member, International Center for Information Ethics

Creative Commons Greece: Member

Member, Program Committee, 8th International Information Systems 2015 (IS 2015) Conference

- collaboration in drafting and incorporating creative commons licenses into the Greek system
- promoting the distribution of works under CC licenses in Greece

Founder: International Conference on Information Law and Ethics series (2008 - ) Official Website: ICIL New window
ISIL 2008, ISIL 2009, ICIL 2010, ICIL 2011, ICIL 2012, ICIL 2014

Co-founder: Medical Liability and Bioethics conference series (2013- ) (with Dr. Fereniki Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi), official website: New window

Co-founder, Data Protection Symposium, (2012- ) (with Dr. Fereniki-Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi), official website: New window

Founder/Head, Ionian University Research Team: Information: History, Regulation and Culture, related information:

Organizer of many seminars, symposiums, invited individual colleague presentations, Career Day (2003) etc

Chair, co-chair, member of the Program Committee in many Greek and international conferences – has delivered more than 60 speeches/conference presentations/individual lectures/contributions in seminars

Reviewer in many Greek and international publications

Associate Editor, International Journal of the Book, 2006

International Review of Information Ethics, reviewer

Jones and Bartlett, reviewer for information law editions

Information and Communication of Ethics in Society (ICES) journal

Cambridge University Press, reviewer for information law books

15th Americas Conference on Information Systems

Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2009

ΙΤ and people journal

Expert member of LiSS Living in surveillance societies

Μember, Scientific Council for Information Society

Legal Counsel, Alpha Bank

Legal Counsel,

EU Projects: Coordinator, Erasmus program, DALS, for three years until 16.1.2012

Elected Member of the Ionian University Senate, 2007-2008 and 2010-2011

Judge, US Scholarships for Μaster and PhD studies abroad for Greeks, 2014, Fulbright Foundation Greece

Nominated for the 2014 Simon IACAP award

Ιn 2015, Maria Bottis was appointed member of the IEEE Global Initiative Personal Data Committee.

Ιn 2016, she was appointed member of the UNESCO executive committee on bioethics of Greece.
The Greek Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa)

Program Committee Member, First Workshop on Formal Methods on Privacy, Limassol 2016

Member of the Program Committee, E-Democracy conference 2017

In 2018, she was appointed as a Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL) of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO).

In 2021, Maria Bottis was appointed member of the Expert Group on Information Law of EBLIDA (EGIL-EBLIDA)

In 1986, 2-30 July, attended a course at the International Summer University, Versailles, France, Section: Langue et Civilization Francaise Contemporaines

1989, TOEFL, mark 623

1993, accepted by Harvard Law School for LLM studies

1995, accepted by Oxford University, Merton College, for PhD studies

  1. Liability for the transfer of medical information in Greek and common law and ethics, Sakkoulas, 1999, in Greek (pp. 1-210)
  2. Medical Liability and Bioethics, 2013, Broken Hill Publishers, 2013 (co-ed.) (pp. 1-484) (in Greek)
  3. Tort Law Hellas, Kluwer Law International, International Encyclopedia of Laws, 2003 (pp. 1-363)
  4. The Law of Information, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2004, in Greek (pp. 1-272)
  5. The Legal Protection of Databases, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2004, in Greek (pp. 1-334)
  6. A Defense of Intellectual Property Rights, with R. Spinello, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009 (pp. 1-218)
  7. A World for Information Law, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2010 (ed.) (pp. 1-130)
  8. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry 2009, (ed.) Nomiki Bibliothiki, p. 1-750
  9. Values and Freedoms in Information Law and Ethics, 2011 (co-ed.) Nomiki Bibliothiki (pp. 1- 800)
  10. Privacy and Surveillance-Current Aspects and Future Perspectives, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 8. 2013 (ed.) (pp. 1-350)
  11. An Information law for the 21st Century, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2012, (ed.) (pp. 1-681)
  12. Honorary Volume for Evi Laskari-Equity, Integrity and Beauty in Information Law and Ethics, 2013, Nomiki Bibliothiki (ed.) (pp. 1-850)
  13. Medical Liability and Bioethics: Current approaches and perspectives for the future, Paschalidis editions, 2013, pp. 1-484 (ed., with F. Panagopoulou). In Greek.
  14. The history of information-from papyrus to the electronic document, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2014, ed., in Greek.
  15. Bioethical Concerns, pp. 1-821, ed. Papazissi, 2014 (in Greek)
  16. Lifting Barriers and Empowering the Future of Information Law and Ethics, University of Macedonia Press, Thessaloniki: 2015, pp. 1-750 (upcoming)
  17. Bioethical concerns II-the human face, Papazissi publications, pp. 1-693, with F. Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi (eds.)
  18. Broadening the horizons of Information law and ethics- a time for inclusion, 2017, Bottis M. & Alexandropoulou T., editors, University of Macedonia Press, 2017, ISBN 978-618-5196-25-7, pp. 1-486
  19. Bioethical Concerns III / The Child, ed. Papazissi, pp. 550, with F. Panagopoulou.
  20. Children and Information, aspects of history, law, ethics and culture, Ocelotos publishers, Athens, February 2018, pp. 1-595 plus i-xxxvii, editor and coordinator of the volume, M. Bottis.
  21. Access to Knowledge in the 21st century: The Interplay of Society, Education, ICT and Philosophy, IAFES: Vienna 2018 (pp. 1-258), Maria Bottis/Johann Guenther (editors). Download the book cover.
  22. Bioethical Concerns IV-Health and Genetic Data, editor (with F. Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi), introduction by Konstantinos Menoudakos, Papazissi Editions, Athens 2019, pp. 1-424.
  23. The Law of Archives. Personal data, copyright and cultural property. Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens 2020, pp. 1-415.
  24. Libraries and collection development, Ocelotos editions, Athens 2020, pp. 1-180.
  25. Right and Museums. Establishment, recognition, types of museums, fundamental rights and intellectual property. Sakkoulas Publications, pp.XVII+378, Athens 2023.

More than 80 articles in Greek and foreign journals/publications, contributions in collective works

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